

A cross tenant metadata driven processing framework for Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics achieved by coupling orchestration pipelines with a SQL database and a set of Azure Functions.

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Stored Procedures

« Contents / Database

The following stored procedures are ordered by database schema then name.

Schema: procfwk


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@BatchId uniqueidentifier
@LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier

Role: When using the batch executions concept within the processing framework, this procedure establishes if a new or existing batch is required. If a batch is in a stopped state, its execution ID will be returned ready for a restart. If not, a new execution ID will be generated.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int

Role: Used within parent pipeline as part of the sequential foreach activity this procedure establishes if any worker pipelines in the next execution stage are blocked. Then depending on the configured failure handing updates the current execution table before proceeding.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@PipelineId int

Role: Assuming email alerting is enabled this procedure inspects the metadata tables and returns a simple true or false (bit value) depending on what alerts are required for a given worker pipeline Id. This check is used within the infant pipeline before any effort is spent constructing email content to be sent.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@DebugMode bit

Role: Called near the start of the parent pipeline this procedure serves the role of performing a series on basic checks against the database metadata ensuring key conditions are met before the orchestrator pipeline starts a new execution. See metadata integrity checks for more details.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@BatchName varchar

Role: Inspects the current execution table for running worker pipelines as well as other unexpected record states and if found provides an output for the framework previous run clean up process. Otherwise, returns an empty dataset as is required by the lookup activity. The routine takes place as part of the parent pipeline execution.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@CallingOrchestratorName nvarchar
@LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier

Role: Once the parent pipeline has completed all pre-execution operations this procedure is used to set a new local execution Id (GUID) value and update the current execution table. For runtime performance an index re-build is also done by this procedure.

If using batch executions, instead of the procedure creating the execution ID it will be provided with it from the [BatchWrapper] stored procedure.


Schema: procfwk

Role: See Execution Precursor for details on this feature.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@CallingOrchestrator nvarchar
@BatchName varchar

Role: This procedure establishes what the framework should do with the current execution table when the parent pipeline is triggered. Depending on the configured properties this will then create a new execution run or restart the previous run if a failure has occurred.

If using batch executions the batch name should also be provided by the parent pipeline.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@PipelineId int

Role: When an email alert is going to be sent by the framework this procedure gathers up all required metadata parts for the send email function. This includes the recipient, subject and body. The returning select statement means exactly the format required by the function allowing the infant pipeline to pass through the content from the lookup activity unchanged.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@CallingOrchestratorName nvarchar

Role: As part of the Check Pipeline is Running utilties pipeline this procedure queries the metadata to return information about the framework orchestrator. This expects the calling orchestrator name to match the ‘IsFrameworkOrchestrator’ attribute in the Orchestrators table.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@PipelineId int

Role: Within the child pipeline foreach activity this procedure queries the metadata database for any parameters required by the given worker pipeline Id. What’s returned by the stored procedure is a JSON safe string that can be injected into the execute pipeline function along with the other worker pipeline details.

In addition, the procedure updates the last value used attribute in the parameters table.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int

Role: Called from the child pipeline this procedure returns a simple list of all worker pipelines to be executed within a given execution stage. Filtering ensures only worker pipelines that haven’t already completed successfully or workers that aren’t blocked are returned.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@PropertyName varchar

Role: This procedure is used by the orchestrators throughout the framework pipelines to return property values from a provided property name. This is done so the orchestrator activity can use the SELECT query output value directly, rather than this being an actual OUTPUT of the procedure.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier

Role: Returns a distinct list of all enabled execution stages from the metadata to be used in the parent pipeline sequential iterations.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: For a given worker pipeline during an execution run of the processing framework, return the following:


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: For a given worker pipeline during an execution run of the processing framework, return the following:


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: This procedure combines the output of the GetWorkerAuthDetails and GetWorkerPipelineDetails into a single request. The reason for this abstraction and refactoring is to overcome the pipeline side activity limitation by consolidating calls and outputs. The wrapper servers no other purpose.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier

Role: In the event of a processing framework restart this procedure archives off any unwanted records from the current execution table and updates the pipeline status attribute for any workers than didn’t complete successfully during the previous execution.

If using batch executions the procedure will also update the batch execution table using the execution ID provided.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@JsonErrorDetails varchar

Role: For a failed worker pipeline the error message details will be passed to this procedure in raw JSON form. Then parsed and inserted into the database error log table. See error details for more information on this feature.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@PipelineId int

Role: When using the dependency chain feature for failure handling this procedure queries the metadata and applies a ‘blocked’ status to any downstream (dependant) worker pipelines in the current execution table.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int
@CallingActivity varchar

Role: In the event of a wider Azure platform failure where a pipeline activity failures for unexpected reasons this procedure attempts to update and leave the current execution table with an informational status. This status will typically be the activity that has resulted in the failure outcome. A common use for this procedure is when hitting external resources like the Azure Functions activities within the infant pipeline.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int
@CleanUpRun bit

Role: Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to cancelled for the provided worker Id. Also blocks downstream pipelines depending on the configured failure handling behaviour.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: During the parent pipeline clean up process. Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to checking for the provided worker Id.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int
@RunId uniqueidentifier

Role: Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to failed for the provided worker Id. Also blocks downstream pipelines depending on the configured failure handling behaviour.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: During the infant pipeline Until activity upon each iteration this procedure updates the current execution table with the current date/time in the last check attribute. This offers some visability on how many wait iterations have occurred for a given worker pipeline execution.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int
@RunId uniqueidentifier

Role: Once a given worker pipeline is in progress the orchestrator run Id will be returned from the Azure Function and added to the current execution table using this stored procedure.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to running for the provided worker Id.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to success for the provided worker Id.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int
@CleanUpRun bit

Role: Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to unknown for the provided worker Id. Also blocks downstream pipelines depending on the configured failure handling behaviour.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int
@PipelineId int

Role: Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to validating for the provided worker Id.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@ExecutionId uniqueidentifier
@StageId int

Role: Updates the current execution table setting the pipeline status attribute to preparing for all worker pipelines in the provided execution stage Id.


Schema: procfwk

Parameter Name Data Type
@PerformErrorCheck bit
@LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier

Role: Called at the end of the parent pipeline as the last thing the processing framework does in the metadata database this procedure validates the contents of the current execution table. If all workers were successful the data will be archived off to the execution log table. Otherwise an exception will be raised.

If using batch executions the procedure will also update the batch execution table and delete from the current execution table rather than truncating.

IF([procfwk].[GetPropertyValueInternal]('UseExecutionBatches')) = '0'
	TRUNCATE TABLE [procfwk].[CurrentExecution];
ELSE IF ([procfwk].[GetPropertyValueInternal]('UseExecutionBatches')) = '1'
	DELETE FROM [procfwk].[CurrentExecution] WHERE [LocalExecutionId] = @ExecutionId;

Schema: procfwkHelpers


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@PipelineName nvarchar
@DependantPipelineName nvarchar

Role: Applies a relationship between an upstream and downstream worker pipeline while conforming to metadata integrity constraints.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@ResourceGroup nvarchar
@OrchestratorName nvarchar
@OrchestratorType char
@PipelineName nvarchar

Role: This procedure is used as part of the solution PowerShell scripts when populating the metadata database with a set of worker pipelines from an existing orchestrator instance. For more details on this feature see how to Apply ProcFwk To An Existing Orchestrator.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@PropertyName varchar
@PropertyValue nvarchar
@Description nvarchar

Role: Performs an upsert to the database properties when a new or existing processing framework property is provided. Internally, a merge statement applies the change to the table.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@RecipientName varchar
@PipelineName nvarchar
@AlertForStatus nvarchar

Role: Assuming the recipient already exists in the metadata this procedure adds the required link for a given worker pipeline and the requested status values.

The ‘AlertForStatus’ parameter can be a comma separated list if multiple status values are required.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@OrchestratorName nvarchar
@OrchestratorType char
@PrincipalId nvarchar
@PrincipalSecret nvarchar
@SpecificPipelineName nvarchar
@PrincipalName nvarchar

Role: If the database property for storing service principals is set to use insert them into the database, this procedure encrypts the parameter values provided and adds them to the database while conforming to metadata integrity constraints.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@OrchestratorName nvarchar
@OrchestratorType char
@PrincipalIdUrl nvarchar
@PrincipalSecretUrl nvarchar
@SpecificPipelineName nvarchar
@PrincipalName nvarchar

Role: If the database property for storing service principals is set to use Azure Key Vault, this procedure attempts to validate the parameter values provided and adds them to the database while conforming to metadata integrity constraints. ___


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@OrchestratorName nvarchar
@OrchestratorType char
@PrincipalIdValue nvarchar
@PrincipalSecretValue nvarchar
@SpecificPipelineName nvarchar
@PrincipalName nvarchar

Role: Depending on the configuration of the SPN handling this procedure passes off parameter values to one of the following stored procedures:


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: This procedures uses the optional attribute ‘LogicalPredecessorId’ within the pipelines table to review and suggest updates to the structure of the worker pipeline metadata considering execution stages and upstream/downstream dependants. The output of the procedure is purely for information.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Performs an ordered delete of all metadata from the database while conforming to metadata integrity rules.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Performs a blanket delete of all database contents for tables in the procfwk schemas.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@EmailAddress nvarchar
@SoftDeleteOnly bit

Role: Removes or disables a given email recipient from the metadata tables while conforming to metadata integrity rules.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@OrchestratorName nvarchar
@OrchestratorType char
@PrincipalIdValue nvarchar
@SpecificPipelineName nvarchar

Role: Removes a given service principal from the metadata tables while conforming to metadata integrity rules.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier

Role: Used as runtime helper offered more details about the current execution run with additional table joins and summary information.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Parameter Name Data Type
@OrchestratorName nvarchar
@OrchestratorType char
@PipelineName nvarchar

Role: Depending on the configured properties this procedure queries the service principal table and returns credentials that the orchestrator can use when executing a worker pipeline. See worker SPN storage for more details.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds the default email alerting outcome values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a set of default orchestrator values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a simple set of default pipeline dependencies to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a set of default pipeline parameter values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a set of default pipeline values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds all default framework property values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a set of default alerting relationship values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds several default recipient values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a set of default execution stage values to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a default subscription value to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Adds a default tenant value to the metadata table used as part of the processing framework development environment.

Schema: procfwkTesting


Schema: procfwkTesting

Role: Applies a set of 300 worker pipelines with parameters and SPN details to the metadata database as part of the setup for an integration run stress test.


Schema: procfwkTesting

Role: Used as a wrapper for the helper stored procedures DeleteMetadataWith*** to add a empty all metadata from the database. Typically called as part of integration test one time tear downs. See testing for more details on this feature.


Schema: procfwkTesting

Parameter Name Data Type
@PipelineName nvarchar

Role: During the integration tests to cancel a running worker pipeline this procedure queries the current execution table waiting for a Run Id value to become available. Once found, the wait iteration breaks and provides the first value found.


Schema: procfwkTesting

Role: Used as a wrapper for the helper stored procedures SetDefaultxxx to add a complete set of default metadata to the database. Typically called as part integration test one time setups. See testing for more details on this feature.