

A cross tenant metadata driven processing framework for Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics achieved by coupling orchestration pipelines with a SQL database and a set of Azure Functions.

- Overview
- Contents

View the Project on GitHub mrpaulandrew/procfwk


« Contents / Database


Schema: procfwk

Definition: Used to provide a static list of available pipeline status outcomes that can be compared to email recipient requirements for event alerts at runtime. These status values are used in the context of a bitmask position when the framework performs any email alerting. The position means an email recipient can subscribe to any combination of pipeline outcomes.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 OutcomeBitPosition int 4 No
2 PipelineOutcomeStatus nvarchar 400 No
3 BitValue int 4 Yes


Schema: procfwk

Definition: Base metadata information used in the running of batch executions. For a given execution values from this table are inspected and taken into the [BatchExecution] table.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 BatchId uniqueidentifier 16 No
2 BatchName varchar 255 No
3 BatchDescription varchar 4000 Yes
4 Enabled bit 1 No


Schema: procfwk

Definition: For new and previous executions of the processing framework using the batch executions concept this table will house details of when the batch started/finished and its status. Either; Running, Stopping, Stopped or Succeeded.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 BatchId uniqueidentifier 16 No
2 ExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
3 BatchName varchar 255 No
4 BatchStatus nvarchar 400 No
5 StartDateTime datetime 8 No
6 EndDateTime datetime 8 Yes

Schema: procfwk

Definition: Provides a link between the batch execution table and the execution stages. It is expected that a defined batch will have one or many execution stages, these can also be reused with the same stage belonging to different batches. Both attributes within the table form the primary key.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 BatchId uniqueidentifier 16 No
2 StageId int 4 No


Schema: procfwk

Definition: For a given execution run this table will be used to handle all metadata exchanges between the orchestrator and the database. After a successful run the table is truncated. Indexing is used here to ensure the current execution run has access to the requested metadata given common where clause requirements.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
2 StageId int 4 No
3 PipelineId int 4 No
4 CallingOrchestratorName nvarchar 400 No
5 ResourceGroupName nvarchar 400 No
6 OrchestratorType char 3 No
7 OrchestratorName nvarchar 400 No
8 PipelineName nvarchar 400 No
9 StartDateTime datetime 8 Yes
10 PipelineStatus nvarchar 400 Yes
11 LastStatusCheckDateTime datetime 8 Yes
12 EndDateTime datetime 8 Yes
13 IsBlocked bit 1 No
14 PipelineRunId uniqueidentifier 16 Yes
15 PipelineParamsUsed nvarchar max Yes


Schema: procfwk

Definition: To support the decoupling of worker pipelines from the orchestration pipelines this table houses information about the orchestrators used by the framework.

Within the table metadata one orchestrator needs to be set as the framework orchestrator, where the orchestration pipelines (parent, child, infant) are running from. This is done using the ‘IsFrameworkOrchestrator’ attribute.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 OrchestratorId int 4 No
2 OrchestratorName nvarchar 400 No
3 OrchestratorType char 3 No
4 IsFrameworkOrchestrator bit   No
5 ResourceGroupName nvarchar 400 No
6 SubscriptionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
7 Description nvarchar max Yes


Schema: procfwk

Definition: In the event of a worker pipeline failure, activity level error message details will be captured and inserted into this table.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 LogId int 4 No
2 LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
3 PipelineRunId uniqueidentifier 16 No
4 ActivityRunId uniqueidentifier 16 No
5 ActivityName varchar 100 No
6 ActivityType varchar 100 No
7 ErrorCode varchar 100 No
8 ErrorType varchar 100 No
9 ErrorMessage nvarchar max Yes


Schema: procfwk

Definition: This table is used as a long term store from the current execution table. When the current execution table is cleared now records will be moved here.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 LogId int 4 No
2 LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
3 StageId int 4 No
4 PipelineId int 4 No
5 CallingOrchestratorName nvarchar 400 No
6 ResourceGroupName nvarchar 400 No
7 OrchestratorType char 3 No
8 OrchestratorName nvarchar 400 No
9 PipelineName nvarchar 400 No
10 StartDateTime datetime 8 Yes
11 PipelineStatus nvarchar 400 Yes
12 EndDateTime datetime 8 Yes
13 PipelineRunId uniqueidentifier 16 Yes
14 PipelineParamsUsed nvarchar max Yes

Schema: procfwk

Definition: This table provides a many to many connection between the email recipients and the pipelines they wish to subscribe to for email alerts.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 AlertId int 4 No
2 PipelineId int 4 No
3 RecipientId int 4 No
4 OutcomesBitValue int 4 No
5 Enabled bit 1 No

Schema: procfwk

Definition: For the purposes of granular security when providing service principal details that can be used to execute worker pipelines this table provides a many to many link between pipelines and credentials. Further referential integrity checks are then done to include the orchestrator in the metadata relationship.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 AuthId int 4 No
2 PipelineId int 4 No
3 OrchestratorId int 4 No
4 CredentialId int 4 No


Schema: procfwk

Definition: When using the failure handling property this table is used to establish the links for worker pipelines across the execution stages.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 DependencyId int 4 No
2 PipelineId int 4 No
3 DependantPipelineId int 4 No


Schema: procfwk

Definition: Worker pipeline parameters are stored in this table as metadata and provided to the worker at runtime by the framework infant pipeline. A given worker can have none or many parameters limited only by the underlying resources in terms of amount and data value size. In addition, a parameter value used will get persisted to the last value used attribute, this is then over written every time the worker requests its parameters.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 ParameterId int 4 No
2 PipelineId int 4 No
3 ParameterName varchar 128 No
4 ParameterValue nvarchar max Yes
5 ParameterValueLastUsed nvarchar max Yes


Schema: procfwk

Definition: This core table in the framework houses all worker pipelines that the framework is expected to call per batch/stage executions and for a given worker orchestrator.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 PipelineId int 4 No
2 OrchestratorId int 4 No
3 StageId int 4 No
4 PipelineName nvarchar 400 No
5 LogicalPredecessorId int 4 Yes
6 Enabled bit 1 No


Schema: procfwk

Definition: Properties and values housed in this table provide runtime configuration information for the framework to influence behaviour and setup.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 PropertyId int 4 No
2 PropertyName varchar 128 No
3 PropertyValue nvarchar max No
4 Description nvarchar max Yes
5 ValidFrom datetime 8 No
6 ValidTo datetime 8 Yes


Schema: procfwk

Definition: Named people and email addresses are stored in this table for the purposes of providing email alerting when worker pipelines are executed by the framework.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 RecipientId int 4 No
2 Name varchar 255 Yes
3 EmailAddress nvarchar 1000 No
4 MessagePreference char 3 No
5 Enabled bit 1 No


Schema: dbo

Definition: At runtime a worker pipeline will be executed by the framework functions. The function will authenticate against the target worker orchestrator instance using SPN details sorted in this table directly, or referenced by this table to Azure Key Vault. See service principal handling for details.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 CredentialId int 4 No
2 PrincipalName nvarchar 512 Yes
3 PrincipalId uniqueidentifier 16 Yes
4 PrincipalSecret varbinary 256 Yes
5 PrincipalIdUrl nvarchar max Yes
6 PrincipalSecretUrl nvarchar max Yes


Schema: procfwk

Definition: This core table in the framework houses details of all the sequential execution stages that need to process by the framework in order based on the stage Id.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 StageId int 4 No
2 StageName varchar 225 No
3 StageDescription varchar 4000 Yes
4 Enabled bit 1 No


Schema: procfwk

Definition: To support the decoupling of pipelines and orchestrators this table houses details of Azure Subscriptions that are connected with 1 or many worker orchestrator instances.

At least 1 subscription must exist within the metadata.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 SubscriptionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
2 Name nvarchar 400 No
3 Description nvarchar max Yes
4 TenantId uniqueidentifier 16 No


Schema: procfwk

Definition: To support the decoupling of pipelines within orchestrator at this final level tenant details are sorted within this table and connected to 1 or many Azure Subscriptions.

At least 1 tenant must exist within the metadata.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 TenantId uniqueidentifier 16 No
2 Name nvarchar 400 No
3 Description nvarchar max Yes