A cross tenant metadata driven processing framework for Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics achieved by coupling orchestration pipelines with a SQL database and a set of Azure Functions.
As a general rule within the processing framework database views are used for convenience, aggregation and to return de-normalised results from the core metadata tables.
Schema: procfwk
Role: Applies filtering to the underlying properties table returning only property values currently in use. Eg. Without an end date value.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | PropertyName | varchar | 128 | No |
2 | PropertyValue | nvarchar | max | No |
Schema: procfwk
Role: Used in conjunction with the [procfwk].[CheckMetadataIntegrity] stored procedure this view aggregates all existing pipeline parameters return a memory size value. This is wrapped up and later used to ensure request body created for the execute pipeline function is within service limitations.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | PipelineId | int | 4 | No |
2 | Size | decimal | 17 | Yes |
Schema: procfwkHelpers
Role: Joins pipelines within dependant pipelines to return a convenient list of stage and pipeline name values based on the worker pipeline dependency chain.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | PredecessorStage | varchar | 225 | No |
2 | PredecessorPipeline | nvarchar | 400 | No |
3 | DependantStage | varchar | 225 | No |
4 | DependantPipeline | nvarchar | 400 | No |
Schema: procfwkReporting
Role: Used to aggregate execution stage which is used as part of the Power BI framework reporting model.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | StageId | int | 4 | No |
2 | StageName | varchar | 225 | No |
3 | StageDescription | varchar | 4000 | Yes |
4 | AvgStageRunDurationMinutes | int | 4 | Yes |
Schema: procfwkReporting
Role: De-normalizes several execution tables into a convenient list of values for a given set of failed Worker pipelines.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | ExecutionLogId | int | 4 | No |
2 | ErrorLogId | int | 4 | No |
3 | LocalExecutionId | uniqueidentifier | 16 | No |
4 | ProcessingDateTime | datetime | 8 | Yes |
5 | CallingDataFactoryName | nvarchar | 400 | No |
6 | WorkerDataFactory | nvarchar | 400 | No |
7 | WorkerPipelineName | nvarchar | 400 | No |
8 | PipelineStatus | nvarchar | 400 | Yes |
9 | ActivityRunId | uniqueidentifier | 16 | No |
10 | ActivityName | varchar | 100 | No |
11 | ActivityType | varchar | 100 | No |
12 | ErrorCode | varchar | 100 | No |
13 | ErrorType | varchar | 100 | No |
14 | ErrorMessage | nvarchar | max | Yes |
Schema: procfwkReporting
Role: De-normalizes and aggregates several execution tables into a convenient list of values for all Worker pipelines executions records.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | LogId | int | 4 | No |
2 | LocalExecutionId | uniqueidentifier | 16 | No |
3 | StageId | int | 4 | No |
4 | PipelineId | int | 4 | No |
5 | CallingDataFactoryName | nvarchar | 400 | No |
6 | ResourceGroupName | nvarchar | 400 | No |
7 | DataFactoryName | nvarchar | 400 | No |
8 | PipelineName | nvarchar | 400 | No |
9 | StartDateTime | datetime | 8 | Yes |
10 | PipelineStatus | nvarchar | 400 | Yes |
11 | EndDateTime | datetime | 8 | Yes |
12 | RunDurationMinutes | int | 4 | Yes |
Schema: procfwkReporting
Role: Provides a simple count of worker pipelines by their pipeline status to view a summary of the current framework run.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | PipelineStatus | nvarchar | 400 | No |
2 | RecordCount | int | 4 | Yes |
Schema: procfwkReporting
Role: Provides a convenient filter using the max log ID value to return only the last complete set of framework execution information.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | LogId | int | 4 | No |
2 | StageId | int | 4 | No |
3 | PipelineId | int | 4 | No |
4 | PipelineName | nvarchar | 400 | No |
5 | StartDateTime | datetime | 8 | Yes |
6 | PipelineStatus | nvarchar | 400 | Yes |
7 | EndDateTime | datetime | 8 | Yes |
8 | RunDurationMinutes | int | 4 | Yes |
Schema: procfwkReporting
Role: Provides a convenient filter using the max log ID value to return an aggregation for run duration for only the last complete set of framework execution information.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | LocalExecutionId | uniqueidentifier | 16 | No |
2 | RunDurationMinutes | int | 4 | Yes |
Schema: procfwkReporting
Role: Using time values per minute offers a view of execution stage worker pipeline parallelism at each point in time throughout the duration of a complete execution run.
Id | Attribute | Data Type | Length | Nullable |
1 | WallclockDate | date | 3 | Yes |
2 | WallclockTime | time | 5 | Yes |
3 | LocalExecutionId | uniqueidentifier | 16 | No |
4 | StageName | varchar | 225 | No |
5 | PipelineName | nvarchar | 8000 | Yes |
6 | WorkerCount | int | 4 | Yes |