

A cross tenant metadata driven processing framework for Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics achieved by coupling orchestration pipelines with a SQL database and a set of Azure Functions.

- Overview
- Contents

View the Project on GitHub mrpaulandrew/procfwk


« Contents / Database

As a general rule within the processing framework database views are used for convenience, aggregation and to return de-normalised results from the core metadata tables.


Schema: procfwk

Role: Applies filtering to the underlying properties table returning only property values currently in use. Eg. Without an end date value.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 PropertyName varchar 128 No
2 PropertyValue nvarchar max No


Schema: procfwk

Role: Used in conjunction with the [procfwk].[CheckMetadataIntegrity] stored procedure this view aggregates all existing pipeline parameters return a memory size value. This is wrapped up and later used to ensure request body created for the execute pipeline function is within service limitations.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 PipelineId int 4 No
2 Size decimal 17 Yes


Schema: procfwkHelpers

Role: Joins pipelines within dependant pipelines to return a convenient list of stage and pipeline name values based on the worker pipeline dependency chain.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 PredecessorStage varchar 225 No
2 PredecessorPipeline nvarchar 400 No
3 DependantStage varchar 225 No
4 DependantPipeline nvarchar 400 No


Schema: procfwkReporting

Role: Used to aggregate execution stage which is used as part of the Power BI framework reporting model.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 StageId int 4 No
2 StageName varchar 225 No
3 StageDescription varchar 4000 Yes
4 AvgStageRunDurationMinutes int 4 Yes


Schema: procfwkReporting

Role: De-normalizes several execution tables into a convenient list of values for a given set of failed Worker pipelines.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 ExecutionLogId int 4 No
2 ErrorLogId int 4 No
3 LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
4 ProcessingDateTime datetime 8 Yes
5 CallingDataFactoryName nvarchar 400 No
6 WorkerDataFactory nvarchar 400 No
7 WorkerPipelineName nvarchar 400 No
8 PipelineStatus nvarchar 400 Yes
9 ActivityRunId uniqueidentifier 16 No
10 ActivityName varchar 100 No
11 ActivityType varchar 100 No
12 ErrorCode varchar 100 No
13 ErrorType varchar 100 No
14 ErrorMessage nvarchar max Yes


Schema: procfwkReporting

Role: De-normalizes and aggregates several execution tables into a convenient list of values for all Worker pipelines executions records.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 LogId int 4 No
2 LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
3 StageId int 4 No
4 PipelineId int 4 No
5 CallingDataFactoryName nvarchar 400 No
6 ResourceGroupName nvarchar 400 No
7 DataFactoryName nvarchar 400 No
8 PipelineName nvarchar 400 No
9 StartDateTime datetime 8 Yes
10 PipelineStatus nvarchar 400 Yes
11 EndDateTime datetime 8 Yes
12 RunDurationMinutes int 4 Yes


Schema: procfwkReporting

Role: Provides a simple count of worker pipelines by their pipeline status to view a summary of the current framework run.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 PipelineStatus nvarchar 400 No
2 RecordCount int 4 Yes


Schema: procfwkReporting

Role: Provides a convenient filter using the max log ID value to return only the last complete set of framework execution information.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 LogId int 4 No
2 StageId int 4 No
3 PipelineId int 4 No
4 PipelineName nvarchar 400 No
5 StartDateTime datetime 8 Yes
6 PipelineStatus nvarchar 400 Yes
7 EndDateTime datetime 8 Yes
8 RunDurationMinutes int 4 Yes


Schema: procfwkReporting

Role: Provides a convenient filter using the max log ID value to return an aggregation for run duration for only the last complete set of framework execution information.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
2 RunDurationMinutes int 4 Yes


Schema: procfwkReporting

Role: Using time values per minute offers a view of execution stage worker pipeline parallelism at each point in time throughout the duration of a complete execution run.

Id Attribute Data Type Length Nullable
1 WallclockDate date 3 Yes
2 WallclockTime time 5 Yes
3 LocalExecutionId uniqueidentifier 16 No
4 StageName varchar 225 No
5 PipelineName nvarchar 8000 Yes
6 WorkerCount int 4 Yes