

A cross tenant metadata driven processing framework for Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics achieved by coupling orchestration pipelines with a SQL database and a set of Azure Functions.

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« Contents / Orchestrators / Orchestrator Types

Synapse IconAzure Synapse Analytics and its Intergrate Pipeline capability is one of the primary resources within the processing framework solution used for delivering both the execution of the orchestration pipelines (Grandparent, Parent, Child, Infant, Utilities) and used to deliver worker pipelines created as modules outside of the processing solution.

In the context of the processing framework Synapse Analytics Intergrate Pipelines operates at the control flow level as one of the orchestrators available for a given solution. Data flow level transformtion operations are not handled within the framework. It is expected that dataset level tasks are delivered by the worker pipelines that this framework triggers.

Synapse Analytics uses the following common components to deliver the framework execution runs.