

A cross tenant metadata driven processing framework for Azure Data Factory and Azure Synapse Analytics achieved by coupling orchestration pipelines with a SQL database and a set of Azure Functions.

- Overview
- Contents

View the Project on GitHub mrpaulandrew/procfwk


« Contents / Functions


Acts as the entry point and basis for all interactions between the framework and the worker pipelines.

The services concept is used to decouple interactions from the intended orchestrator type and allow future orchestrator types to be included by implementing a new set of service methods. In all cases the below abstract methods will be used for the type provided.

Namespace: mrpaulandrew.azure.procfwk.Services.

public static PipelineService GetServiceForRequest
    PipelineRequest pr, 
    ILogger logger
    if (pr.OrchestratorType == PipelineServiceType.ADF)
        return new AzureDataFactoryService(pr, logger);

    if (pr.OrchestratorType == PipelineServiceType.SYN)
        return new AzureSynapseService(pr, logger);

    throw new InvalidRequestException (
    "Unsupported orchestrator type: " + 
    (pr.OrchestratorType?.ToString() ?? "<null>"));

Supported Services (Service Types)

Abstract Methods

Method Return Types



Property Name Type
PipelineExists string
PipelineName string
PipelineId string
PipelineType string
ActivityCount int



Property Name Type
PipelineName string
RunId string
ActualStatus string
SimpleStatus string

The simple status value is resolved internally from the actual status in the return class using a private method and switch statement.

string simpleStatus = actualStatus switch
    "Queued" => Running,
    "InProgress" => Running,
    "Canceling" => Running, //microsoft typo
    "Cancelling" => Running,
    _ => Complete,
return simpleStatus;


Inherits PipelineRunStatus.

The constructor instantiates the FailedActivity list below.


Property Name Type
ResponseCount int
ResponseErrorCount int
FailedActivity list


Internally set properties:

Property Name Type
ActivityRunId string
ActivityName string
ActivityType string
ErrorCode string
ErrorType string
ErrorMessage string